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Surya Namaskar

Writer's picture: Bridge the Gap YogaBridge the Gap Yoga

Why Surya Namaskar?

Known in English as the 'Sun Salutation', we see variations of this classic sequence in almost every yoga class. It is a foundational set of postures, fundamental to yoga asana practice, and is perfectly designed in its entirety. We are bowing to the Sun, which as far as any is concerned, is the source of all life on Earth. We are solar beings, and light energy from the Sun sustains all that we see around us, including ourselves. It makes sense to honor this, to pray to and acknowledge this power within our bodies and breath, so that we may experience our own internal connection to this source energy. Let's take a look at why....

'Bowing to the Sun'

With the knowledge that we are fully dependent on the Sun for it's life giving energy, there is a tremendous amount of power that can be harnessed when we yolk ourselves to it's abundant energy. Remember that yoga just means to yolk, or union with, so when we are performing yoga with specific intention to connect with the Sun, we are creating a powerful link between our bodies and the entire solar system. Everything on life has evolved around the light/dark cycle. The moon is very much a part of us as well, as is seen in the female menstrual cycle, which follows approximately with the 28 day lunar cycle. This is obvious. The link between us and the solar cycle is a little less obvious, as it is a much greater cycle. I suggest that we start to notice these cycles of nature and focus on understanding how we might link ourselves to them. In one way or another, we are all searching for harmony in our lives - and if our lives are intricately intertwined with Nature (as is obvious), then we best do our part in flowing with it. Practicing yoga, specifically by 'bowing to the sun' with surya namsakar, we are doing exactly that.

How? For one, we are moving through a very specific set of postures that are complementary to each other, which open up the spinal column and balance the sympathetic (solar) and parasympathetic (lunar) nervous system channels in the body. Every other posture in the sequence is a spinal extension - a back bend - and they are all balanced by the forward folds - spinal flexion. We bend backward, which is stimulating to the sympathetic, or fight or flight (think: solar in nature), nervous system. This branch of the electrical current running through our body known as the solar system is responsible for us getting things done. It could be likened to masculine energy within our bodies. It is focused, directed, linear, and hot. Anyone who has ever bent backward would acknowledge this - it requires more focus and effort to enter into a heart opening, backward bending posture. Our heart rate increases. We might even perspire. This is the Sun energy in us warming up, preparing us for action. This is what makes backward bends so potent at opening us up to the world: literally, figuratively, and emotionally.

To counter these back bends, we are folding forward, or in some way bringing our spine closer to our thighs. This is cooling in nature, relaxing, and lunar. Spinal flexion (forward folds) are stimulating to the parasympathetic nervous system. Also a critical branch of our wonderful internal electric circuit (nervous system), this division 'works' to rest and digest. It is how we relax and actually digest and assimilate the experiences of life. If we are constantly in 'doing' mode, it would appear that we get 'indigestion' as our entire system is backed up. When the tension gets too high, we snap, and emotionally 'vomit' towards someone or something. A re-action occurs, because we haven't done the work to actually digest our experiences of life. We feel bad about this, and if we are lucky, we might start noticing these reactive habits and patterns that are *cyclical* in nature, because they are showing us something. Remember that everything is cyclical - we only need to pay attention to see this.

Yoga really is about breaking free of our own cyclical patterns and entering into a natural flow, a harmonious rhythm with our surroundings, so that we may no longer live compulsively but rather spontaneously. Like a child. This is liberation, and it is happening in degrees. It really depends on how focused we are at removing the samskaras, or patterns we have accumulated in our identities and personalities, before we begin to see that we really are writing our own destiny. Ever wonder why we end up attracting the same partner? Or it appears that every day looks like the last one? The nervous system is designed BY NATURE to behave in repetitive patterns in order to conserve energy. The key is unlocking our connection and linking ourselves to a much greater system so that we are no longer living a life based on habit. We begin living a life of conscious choice and not unconscious patterns. We unite with... a cosmic system, perhaps? I don't really know. However, I do know this:

The practice of yoga will not only create flexibility in the body, but will open the mind to these new possibilities. It will allow us to see beyond our own bubble of existence into a greater dimension. We open ourselves physically and otherwise to a greater potential that lies within us all. Although there are many, many different yogic practices, Surya Namaskar is one beautiful method to begin with. It can be learned by complete beginners and practiced daily for years with tremendous benefits. If you are interested in learning, I am here and more than willing to guide you. You can also watch this video:

There are other teachers that surely can teach you as well, so find one that you resonate with. Even if you don't, I think that the most important thing to realize is that we are all in charge of our lives and that the more things we do to take back our power, the more harmoniously we are living with each other and with the natural cycles of the planet and solar system itself. Just go outside and watch the sunrise in the morning. Create it as a habit, with specific intention, and practice simple gratitude for the incredibility of life. We are the miracle we are looking for. You are. I thank you and I bow to you deeply for constantly mirroring to me this miracle. Namaste!

PS - stay tuned for a complete 'Bowing to the Sun' workshop, we had great success with it last time! (See below)

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