It's that you are an impossibility. You - amidst this whirling and chaotic cosmic storm - were permitted to open your eyes today. Not just any two eyes - but ones that have the infinite gift of consciousness behind them. A consciousness that somehow turns a 2-dimensional screen from the receipt of light photons on it's retina into a 3-dimensional reality that we call 'life'. Yes, you are an impossibility, and this Consciousness underlying your existence is as impossible as it gets. Let me tell you why.
Did you know that what you think of as 'you' is really just a body that is made up of 50 trillion tiny little machines called cells? And that each of those cells perform around 200,000 chemical functions every second? And that somehow all of these functions and cells are perfectly synchronized together in an organized fashion, enough so that we can produce conscious thought, feeling, and observation of life itself. That within each cell, all of the tiny machinery required to do their job is powered by these little particles called electrons which are just the scientists' best conceptual guess to explain energy. No one has ever actually seen an electron, we just 'know' that they are there because it fits into an equation when we are attempting to define the Universe and the laws that make it up. So basically, your body is powered in every single one if its smallest bits by an energy that is unseen, yet we know exists. And your body is powered by an energy that is also unseen, yet we know exists. Consciousness.
What is it? Where did it come from? Maybe these questions are irrelevant. Surely they are fun to ask and can provide thousands of years of mind-bendingly frustrating entertainment to a greater number of brilliant minds. The important thing to note is that - despite all our best attempts and our most sophisticated technologies and every breakthrough scientific discovery so far - we are still stumped when it comes to this simple fact. You are Conscious. Something, somewhere, is generating this impossibility, and orchestrating it amongst billions of other apparent Consciousness-es. Yet the most mind-blowing realization (and perhaps the most critical) is that whilst being Conscious, you are also conscious of being some 'thing'. What is that some 'thing'?
This is the rabbit hole we can go down. Just what, exactly, is it that I am conscious of being? Wherever I direct my attention or mind towards, I become conscious of that 'thing'. I become conscious of that thing only by separating myself from 'it' so that I can now identify with it as something outside of me, and I can act upon it in some fashion, if I choose to. We are doing this in so many ways through our day, mostly from an unconscious state. For example, waking up in the morning and brushing my teeth, I had to identify with several things. First and foremost, I had to identify with myself as a human being with a set of teeth that needs cleaning in the morning, based on previous habits and experiences that validate the activity from both myself and the collective group I associate with. I had to see the toothbrush and reach out to grab it, requiring motor neurons from my brain to activate my body so as to act upon the object. I had to see that the toothbrush was actually an object to be acted upon in the first place, that it was indeed separate from me, for if it weren't I would have no use for it in the first place because it would perfectly exist 'there' as I am perfectly existing 'here' and we would just coincide in our existence together in perfect harmony. Of course, this sort of reasoning leads us down a deeper rabbit hole which I won't get into now, but it is worth mentioning.
Do you see where I am going with this? Everything we do in life is colored by Consciousness, which is the underlying energy of our Awareness, that flows into whatever we happen to be doing. It is a pure, unconditioned state of simply being, which is really our ground state of existence. From it and to it all things have their life. All things that can exist come from and return to this ground state, for all things that can exist can only exist within the scope of our Awareness. They might exist only as a thought, yet even thoughts and feelings have a material representation in the body (as demonstrated by Candace Pert's work here) .
Which means what? To circle back, for one, it is that you are an impossibility. Which means that if you are, things we might perceive as impossible might simply be gentle nudges into a direction of light. They might be whispers from the unseen reality, coaxing us towards the experience of a miracle. The impossibility that we represent in every breath we take is the possibility of great joy, celebration, and reverence for life itself. To be in touch with and connect to the deepest level of ourselves, the level that appears to defy all laws of physics and escape all definition by science and religion alike... a level that can only be brushed up against, like the limit to infinity; it can be sung about, written about in story, prose and poetry, acted out in forms of love or even violence. Nothing escapes the sheer impossibility of existence, for it spans All things.
The crazy part? You are at the center of it all. Think about it. Or maybe just feel it. Better yet, feel it then think about how mind-blowing it is that you can feel at all. We're just here doing it all together. Become conscious of the impossibility that you are, and take the leap of faith into the unknown, for you are the Unknown.