There appears to be a world outside of me, that I require my senses to read and interpret and consequently construct. I am effectively building the reality that I live in, as I know it, using the senses that are available to me. Outside of my sense perception, I am blind to what else exists. I am blind to any reality beyond what I am able to perceive, despite science explaining and demonstrating experimentally that there is more that exists. Well, where is it? What is it? WHY is it?
Maybe it's a two way street. Using what I 'know' from the things I've picked up over the years, I am able to build a sort of framework for understanding this 'reality' that I live in. It is irrelevant if whether or not any of things are absolutely true across all perspectives. It is only relevant if they are supportive of each other, if they make cohesive sense when fitting in the bigger picture, and if conceptually we are able to find stable ground to stand on and expand from. Conceptually and symbolically - these are the key words. Nothing should be taken literally, as even in the way we interpret words and phrases we are drawing pictures in our heads to convey the meaning. The more understandable the story, the greater the ability to convey truth because it fits into a larger mold than one that is fragmented and half-true.
From this paradigm I operate. Focused on building an integrated and yet concise framework for understanding how the world works. Not only 'my' world, but THE world, and my place in it. In order to do this, I zoom out a lot. I also use the available pre-work that has been done in all categories around explaining this. Science, spirituality, and religion are prime examples where human beings have dedicated themselves for thousands of years towards a more complete understanding of the Universe, God, and other impossible-to-comprehend-fully concepts.
I stand on the shoulders of giants, so to speak, by implementing the truths established in these respective fields and weaving them together into something that resembles my own personal philosophy about existence. The aspiration is to reach an audience in such a fashion that these philosophical frameworks overlap and provide us with universal truths and understandings that can be carried across time. The goal is always to deconstruct what I 'know' and reassemble the pieces according to the current demand of consciousness as a whole.
All that being said, it certainly is a two-way street! I crave the feedback AND criticism that comes from the declarations I make about having reached a conclusion about how things work. It helps me further refine the message, to reconfigure my personal reality and establish a more grounded and practical model of universal connection. I adamantly seek the truth and I'm not afraid to stand for what I am currently declaring it to be, all the while knowing that my present claim could be ripped apart and devoured by the world. Which is has been before. Which is why I am both afraid and un-afraid, because I know that if I fail to make a stand now, then it is due to doubts that, in time, will be painfully exposed anyhow.
Truth is only truth when it is backed by faith; this comes from our science-backed evidence revealing to us the nature of belief and perception. The wild thing is that what we claim to know, what we feel as 'truth', will alter our entire reality and shape all of our bodily processes that respond to the world. This affects our emotional state, ranging from the thoughts we think to the words we say. What the fundamental truth might be is somewhat a moot point when considering the fact that there can be no fundamental reality that is exclusive from our own personal reality. We are as much of it as it is of us.
To be clear, what I mean to say is this: my truth, that one that I will faithfully adhere to and live by as an integrated aspect of my being, is as true in all the realities that I can perceive, according to the strength of my faith that backs it. Which makes it all the more important to me to solidify a Universal understanding of what this 'truth' might be, so that I am including all the potentials. That I am not selective in my choices about what I include in my worldview, because then I risk leaving out key aspects that could draw me closer to the Universal understanding that we all crave. Here I make the assumption that indeed, we do all crave a Universal understanding. I feel that this is an inescapable biological phenomenon; from the standpoint of modern neuroscience and behavioral psychology, our cognitive processes operate best when there is a bigger reality to adhere to, rather than fragmented pieces that are true only sometimes. Think of a child who grows up in a loving household where both parents are consistent in their parenting. We are no different from children - who are our parents? The parental figure exists in our minds as symbolic objects we can relate to and follow their benign guidelines, knowing that there is someone looking out for our best interest. Imagine how our behavior would change if we always know that there was a constant guiding force behind every decision we made, and we would never have to question our behaviors?
I invite anyone into these conversations. I see you here with me, I connect with you through my writing, and I share my truths with you in hope that you find something of worth and meaning. It helps that you are there, reading, listening, paying attention. Your existence makes mine worthwhile. It provides me the opportunity to reflect and also be challenged to grow and provide something that benefits us all. I'm not interested in playing small. In fact, I want to change the world. And I know that the only way to do this is to gradually build community around the most universally applicable and beneficial ideas that are irrefutable, sound, and supportive of all of our best wishes.
What are these ideas? What are these truths? Can you help me find out? It's a two way street.