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Epigenetics and Karma

Writer's picture: Bridge the Gap YogaBridge the Gap Yoga

Giordano Bruno (1548-1600 AD) was an Italian philosopher who posited that anyone could have their own direct relationship with God, and that this relationship did not need to be mediated by the Church. He was burned in the public square for speaking these truths. 

Giordano represents a key aspect of us, as well as all those who’ve been literally burned and crucified for speaking their message. We have within us a fear that if we speak up against a commonly held belief, we will be killed. Maybe we are carrying ancestral karma. Maybe it is an epigenetic thing. They studied mice and showed that the offspring of a mouse who was shocked after releasing the scent of lavender in a cage carried a ‘memory’ of this trauma. The memory embedded itself in such a way that it was passed on to the offspring, so that when the scent of lavender was released in the cage, the mouse would release hormones such as cortisol and experience other measurable symptoms of stress. This is mind blowing to consider. If we consider evolution, it seems extremely likely that we carry the memories of traumatic events that have happened to generations passed. It’s a survival thing. And when we consider the theories that we are part of a single collective consciousness, ideas proposed by both quantum physicists and evolutionary biologists, it seems likely that we carry patterns of consciousness that are universal and archetypal in nature. Go deeper down the rabbit hole and study underlying psychic expressions such as those observed by Carl Jung or Jospeh Cambell and be prepared for a deep excavation  of fear-based scripts and narratives that seem to be embedded and interwoven into the very framework of our consciousness. This stuff goes *deep*, and if we begin to examine our own personal experiences of life from the perspective of self-inquiry, curiosity and openness, we will start pulling back the covers on something very old. Very old and quite universal, in fact. 

The age-old battle of good versus evil found in stories we’ve probably all heard can be seen symbolically woven into most major religious and spiritual texts. It is the hero’s journey - a person’s experience of overcoming the inertia of the ego in order to transcend ordinary human conditions and break free of self-limitation. The fascinating thing is that this incredible journey intersects every moment of our life - every moment we have an opportunity to go beyond that which is comfortable or expected of us and into the transcendent realms of our higher selves. This isn’t meant to scare anyone into believing that if they don’t make the leap of faith into the unknown that they are somehow doing it ‘wrong’, however, I do wish to call attention to a key point that we must embrace all ordinary human conditions before any expansion is possible. We must actually experience the fear of the lavender scent, examine it closely, observe that *it is not us* before we can soften the heart and overcome the pattern. In doing so, we heal generations of pain and suffering. 

It is this type of work that liberates us and all others from the bondage of karma. Karma is just action-reaction. It is Newton’s third law. For us to reach the paradise of the promised land, we must slay the dragon of fear that guards the treasure. To slay this symbolic dragon, we are asked to face it head on. If we wish to experience our essence nature as one of unconditional love, we cannot smell the scent of lavender and repeat an unconscious behavior that spirals us down into the darkness of fear. We cannot hear a truth bubble up from our heart and be afraid to express it! For what? Who are we protecting?Maybe a better question is... who are we liberating?? 

Embracing the ordinary means that we acknowledge the tangible conditions of all presently arising thoughts and feelings. This IS our connection to God, to Source, to the natural and innate intelligence of life itself. To mediate this relationship, to try to somehow control or manipulate our own body’s somatic experience is to disregard or deny this intrinsic and divine wisdom. This denial is symbolically tied to the same fear that has been manifest outwardly by the medieval Church, and is still perpetuated today. The memory of speaking truth and being burned at the stake is the scent of lavender tied to the shock. We must see that our connection to Truth need not be mediated by any doctrine or belief structure. We must see that Truth expresses itself in a myriad of ways and cannot be contained by even our own best guesses about what it is or isn’t.

We must allow life to unfold, through us and as us, and in doing so be in awe at the great mystery of It. This is the karmic clearing that is necessary for spiritual elevation. This is the movement beyond fear-based scripts that are being carried forward from the past. This acceptance of the present moment, a true and authentic embrace of the NOW, is a direct affirmation towards life. A clearly sanctioned agreement between you and the Source of all arising conditions; a statement that you are Here and that this is Real, and thus there is no room for what is NOT here, nor what is unreal.

The denial of our present reality, in an effort to “transcend”, has led us into a toxic form of spirituality that distances us from Who We Are. This denial appears when we try to accept something that is unacceptable. We’ve become toxically tolerant of ourselves and others. We avoid speaking the truth because we don’t want to offend anyone. It’s time for our roars to be heard, for the mountains to tremble as we awaken to our own heart’s calling. It’s time for the people who will run and hide from an awakened soul’s expression to run and hide. As our vibration increases, there are those who will vibrate right out of our field. As we heal, we are returning countless souls to their heavenly abode - the unseen and unmanifest realm where we no longer have to confront those lessons that are reflected by these toxic relationships. And in doing so, space is created for the new seeds to be sown. 

We are here to create space for divinity to flourish. We can see this and we know this to be true. We are not here to be afraid. We are here to create a New Earth - one where the chains of our ancestors are dissolved by the courageous actions embedded purely in our presence. Consciousness will win the battle over unconsciousness. It has before, and it shall again. Carry on, Great Spirit. You are with us, always, as we are with You. Thank you.

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