About BTGY
Before we continue - we must answer the big question...
What is "Yoga"?
Yoga can be translated to mean many things - to yolk, to unite, to join together - but our favorite and most commonly used definition is Union. We often say "Yoga just means Union." This definition then inspires the next question - Union with what, or whom? This is an answer that can only be answered from within, by the practitioner. Ultimately, it is up to us to decide for ourselves what we make of it.
Thus, Bridge the Gap Yoga was formed out of a synthesis which combines the ancient and traditional wisdom sciences of Yoga, within the contemporary context of neuroscience and other modern modalities. A key intention at BTGY is the fundamental necessity for bringing the opposing forces in the Universe together in union, in harmony, which is Yoga. It is the bridge between the heart and the head, between the mind and the body, between the man and woman, between the light and the dark.
We believe that the answers to mankind's inherent struggles lie within each individual, and our goal is to provide practical methods to go within and discover the answers for ourselves.
Our mission....
We are here to awaken the potential that lies at the heart of all beings, and provide spaces for that potential to be expressed. We aim to provide empowering tools and resources for those who are seriously interested in real human spiritual transformation. Through our practices, we connect to the life force within us and all around us, and this brings harmony into our lives and into our communities. The individual is the bridge. We are the bridge.
At BTGY, we believe that all paths lead to the same place, but that each individual will require a unique combination for their own spiritual development and transformation. Those who resonate with our message and wish to connect with us will be exposed to several fundamental ways to achieve union (Yoga). According the classical definition, these pathways are known as the Yogas of Bhakti, Jnana, Karma, and Raja. We offer a brief description below of each respective path.
Our vision....
We are not interested in dogma, rigid belief structures, or organizational control. We envision the cultivation of true enlightenment and self-actualization through practices designed to work on the human nervous system in a ways that are methodical, tried and true. We foresee a world where local communities come together to sincerely engage in these authentic spiritual practices. We trust in the intrinsic harmony of the Universe, and we focus our efforts towards practical ways of realizing this harmony.
Below you will find, from our BTGY perspective, a complete snapshot on the various paths to union and harmony with All. Please understand that these are merely our opinions on ways in which a human being maximizes their own earthly standing. Although we do believe that there is sufficient research to support these perspectives, we wish to call upon the community for assisting us in developing scientific support as to how each path might optimize an individual's health, which seems to be in direct correspondence to the health of our planet.
Read on if you wish to hear our views on how Bhakti, Jnana, Karma, Raja (and by extension - Hatha) Yoga weaves into our lives.
Bhakti Yoga
The pathway of Bhakti Yoga is often seen as the path of devotion, of the heart, and of love. In this tradition, every thing we do is an offering to our chosen ideal, and every practice is a prayer to the divine. Often these practices include chanting, music, dancing, and the singing of various mantras and other devotional hymns to awaken the heart and purify the mind.
Bhakti can be observed as a deep, inner longing for Truth; it is often the first quality to awaken the fire of spiritual interest in a seeker. Bhakti is deeply interwoven with the willingness in the seeker, and willingness fans the flame of the inner quest. With no willingness, there can be no devotion. With a longing for truth, there is a willingness to do what is needed to discover the Truth for oneself. What is the Truth? It is up to the individual to decide, for if it does not come from within, then there remains the question - is what I believe really true? Bhakti Yoga simply refers to the devotion of that initial longing to reunite with the Beloved, which is one's own deepest truth. It is the start of The Path.
Some famous Bhakti Yogis: Jesus Christ, Neem Karoli Baba, Ram Dass, Hanuman.
(Check out the science of mantra here!)
There are several opportunities to practice in this way at BTGY. Be sure to check the calendar of events here, and don't miss one of our Kirtan gatherings. All money raised through our efforts in Kirtan go to keeping the space sacred, feeding the community, and our BTGY service projects.
Jnana Yoga
The path known as Jnana Yoga outlines the path of knowledge, of the mind. Traditionally, this route to Union involved the study of sacred scripture. However, as Yoga is designed to continuously expand to fit the needs of our evolving consciousness, it appears that Jnana Yoga is growing to encompass our study and understanding of Reality, and human consciousness, as seen through the modern lenses of our scientific communities. It might be seen as the joining together of science and spirituality. Jnana Yoga is a deep understanding of Reality, as experienced through the mind. Methods for this pathway include practices such as self-inquiry ("Who am I"?), contemplation on the nature of things, and self-study (svadhyaya). Reading any texts that assist one in their journey towards enlightenment - those "ah-ha" moments - can be regarded as valuable methods of Jnana Yoga.
In the BTGY system, we consider this the second step in the spiritual process. First we have the Bhakti, the willingness and devotion to turn inwards, then we acquire the knowledge - Jnana means knowledge - to discover the tools and processes to assist us in our path.
Some famous Jnana Yogis: Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton, Ramana Maharishi.
Karma Yoga
The third step in our awakening journey is Karma Yoga. Since karma can be translated to mean action (the root of karma is kri = to act), this path is where we start to put into action our spiritual realizations. Once we have the willingness and the knowledge, now we begin to do something with these potentials. In addition to action, Karma Yoga is seen as the yoga of service. When we take a step in the direction of our highest potential, this is an act of Karma Yoga. It is a "doing", and it is in service to the Whole.
Karma Yoga may lead to the discovery that, as we bring forth our highest potential in this lifetime, this manifestation seems to coincide as the highest form of service we can imagine. For each other, for our planet, for the entire Universe. To know that the potential to serve in this capacity - to truly assist the Whole, and the evolution of consciousness - may be an empowering notion. Perhaps it is inspiring to consider this.
One who follows this path closely will choose only actions that are in service to All, which eventually reforms the selfish tendencies that our brains and nervous systems' are wired for. Karma Yoga can lead to overcoming our survival instincts, and to see the "bigger picture".
Some famous Karma Yogis: Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Jr., Mother Teresa.
Our biggest Karma Yoga opportunity for the year of 2020 is spending a month in Uganda, Africa, serving and teaching yoga at an orphanage of approximately forty five children. We are raising $10,000 for this cause, and money can be donated here
(UPDATE - As of April 16th, 2020, per the COVID-19 pandemic, we have put fundraising for this project on hold. Stay tuned for Plan B)
Raja Yoga
For ultimately fulfilling our destiny as a yogi, Raja Yoga is what we may view as the final step in the process of maximizing the human potential. Raja, meaning royal, refers to the ultimate fruit of the path, as it culminates in Self-Realization. To see and experience the Self in all things. There is no substitute for this understanding. It can only be reached through tending to all the proper channels of enlightenment, which are all the unique ways a human comes to understand themselves and their place in the cosmos.
One of the most common ways to walk the path of Raja Yoga, and thus accelerate our spiritual journey, is to take up practices of yoga and meditation. Notice the lower case 'yoga' as opposed to Yoga. We are referring here to specific methodologies that have been passed down to us by great teachers and masters before us, who've gone "all the way".
Techniques such as meditation, yoga asanas, and breathing practices are all unique ways to tune the mindbody, and human nervous system, so as to prepare it for advanced degrees of awareness. To perceive Reality, as it is, beyond any subjectivity or coloring from the mind's conditioning, requires a pure channel. Otherwise, we are at risk of our organism's natural tendency to color our observations based on pre-disposed tendencies. Because of this, the sub-system of Hatha Yoga is most often connected to Raja Yoga. Hatha Yoga deals primarily with the commonly observed techniques of asana, pranayama, and meditation, which all deal with purifying the mindbody system, and "reverse engineering" our inner mechanisms for perceiving Reality.
Great Raja Yogis: Patanjali, Paramahansa Yogananda, Krishnamacharya.
This list completes our definition of the Four Margas (paths) of Yoga, as defined in the Bhagavad Gita.
Our yoga school does place an emphasis on the path known as Hatha Yoga, as we believe most human systems can benefit from a little "push" . Most of the classes we actively teach support the development of this sub-system, but there remains a focus on integrating the Hatha Yoga path within and throughout the other Yogas, as a truly holistic way of human development and maximizing our potential.
Hatha Yoga
In Sanskrit, Ha means Sun and Tha means Moon. At its essence, in haṭha yoga, we are performing various techniques, such as body postures (asana) and breathing practices (prāṇāyāma ), to balance the internal energies (of the Solar and Lunar qualities), in order to increase our concentration and focus, which will then naturally unfold into meditation. Thus, the royal road (Rāja Yoga) opens up, and our meditation experience is one in which we (ideally) experience the union (yoga) between ourselves and the cosmos.
The tradition of Hatha Yoga is related to what is known as Rāja Yoga, or the Royal (Rāja ) Yoga. Although sources vary as to what, exactly, Rāja Yoga refers to, we tend to rely heavily upon the Yoga Sūtras of Patañjali which deals with the fundamental nature of the mind and consciousness. We also have a few primary texts, such as the Hatha Yoga Pradipika to reference in specific when it comes to the practices of Hatha Yoga.
In addition to these source texts, we rely upon our own personal observances and experiences, as well as the direct perception of each practicing yogi, to support the initiative of Yoga. It is said that one who, with discipline, consistency, enthusiasm, perseverance, and unshakable faith, applies the practical sciences of Hatha Yoga, can refine their consciousness to achieve heightened states of awareness and reflect more readily on the nature of Reality. It is a very personal journey, yet we wish to lend the support of our own experiences to this spiritual quest.
Hatha Yoga is the practical science of Self-Realization, which is achieved through the proper application and execution of time-tested and effective methodologies. We are dealing with the same fundamental neurobiology and human nervous system across the board, and we believe that there are straightforward ways to purify and cleanse these inner mechanisms. We invite and encourage everyone to take part in our spiritual research as their very own spiritual scientist, and we wish to offer only the safest and most reliable tools for the undertaking of this research.
Thank you all for your efforts to support the evolution of human consciousness, which can only ever occur through the individual system, as we are each a hologram of the Whole. But, don't take our word for these claims - each person must perform their own research and decide the truth for themselves!